
Please read before you continue.

We have changed our online banking platform.

  1. You will log in with your previous log in ID.
    1. If your log in ID is your Account Number and it is less than SIX digits long, you will need to add ZEROS to the beginning of it.
      For example:
      If your account number is 1234, you must use 001234.
    2. If your account number is 6 digits or longer, you will use your entire account number.
  2. You will log in with a new, temporary SECURITY ID/PASSWORD. You must use the word security along with the last 4 digits of your SSN.
    For example: security1234
  3. After entering your log in ID and Security ID/Password per these instructions, you will then continue to a page that will tell you to change your log in ID. At this point you can no longer use your Account number. Create your new log in ID, and enter it twice per the directions on that page.
  4. Next, you will need to update your password from the temporary one of security plus your SSN last 4, to your own personal password. Your new password must be 9 characters long and it must include the following:
    1. It must have at least 1 CAPITAL LETTER
    2. At least 1 lower case letter
    3. At least 1 number
    4. AND 1 special character, like !@#%* (can not use a question mark)
  5. Next, you will set your security questions. You cannot use the same answer more than once.
  6. Next, you will need to read and accept the terms and conditions presented on the page.
  7. The final page of this process will ask you to enter your phone number.
  8. Next, you will be automatically sent to your account.
  9. The new Account ID and the new Password you just created will be your log in credentials going forward.

If you have followed the above steps but have any issues, you can call the Virtual Branch help desk at 833-582-0215, Monday – Friday from 8 am – 9 pm ET.

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